Autism Spectrum
About 1 in 36 children in the USA are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children as young as 18 months can be assessed. Early intensive treatment is key to your child’s recovery and development. Do not accept being placed on a long wait list. Schedule your assessment today.
ADHD affects about 9% of all school aged children. Many children with ADHD struggled with peer relationships, self-esteem, and academic performance problems. Understanding your child’s strengths and weaknesses related to ADHD is the key to ensuring their life's success.
Behavior Risk
Behavior disorders create social and interpersonal difficulties, underachievement, family stress, increased risk of substance use, and increased rates of anxiety and depression. A behavior risk assessment can provide insight into support strategies.
Memory & Learning
As people live longer and healthier lives, many older persons are experiencing problems with memory and cognition that may affect their independence and happiness. Some people are at higher risk for dementia disorders. Learn more about your memory support needs, and about to live a fuller, independent life..
Intellectual Disability
Many people with an Intellectual Disability struggle with essential life domains, such as school, daily living skills, work, and relationships. Some people require intense supports as students (IEP) and adults (Waiver services). Let us help you understand these needs and build a support strategy.
Support Animals
People with mental health problems can benefit from supports provided by an Emotional Support Animal (ESA). Federal housing laws allow people with documented support needs to cohabitate with their ESA. A qualified assessment is desirable in housing support situations.